[Asis-l] [Dlib-subscribers] The February 2005 issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available

Bonnie Wilson bwilson at cnri.reston.va.us
Thu Feb 17 08:06:26 EST 2005

[Forwarded for Bonnie Wilson.  And FYI, this comes the Corporation for
National Research Initiatives.  The founder, Robert Kahn, with Vincent Cerf,
just won ACM's Turing Award for the packet switching protocol that enables
the internet.  The team of Kahn and Cert won the ASIST Special Award in
1993.  Dick Hill]


The February 2005 issue of D-Lib Magazine (http://www.dlib.org/) is now 

This issue contains four articles, the 'In Brief' column, excerpts from 
recent press releases, and news of upcoming conferences and other items 
of interest in 'Clips and Pointers'.  The Featured Collection for 
February is 'Silk Road Seattle' courtesy of Daniel Waugh at the 
University of Washingon.

The articles include:

SRW/U with OAI: Expected and Unexpected Synergies
Robert Sanderson, University of Liverpool; and Jeffrey Young and Ralph 
LeVan, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

A Metadata Search Engine for Digital Language Archives
Baden Hughes and Amol Kamat, University of Melbourne

Concepts and a Design for Fair Use and Privacy in DRM
Pasi Tyrvainen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

The eXtensible Past : XML as a Means for Access to Historical Datasets 
and a Strategy for Digital Preservation
Annelies van Nispen, Rutger Kramer and Rene van Horik, Netherlands 
Institute for Scientific Information Services

D-Lib has mirror sites at the following locations:

UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, England

The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

State Library of Lower Saxony and the University Library of Goettingen, 

Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

BN - National Library of Portugal, Portugal

(If the mirror site closest to you is not displaying the February 2005 
issue of D-Lib Magazine at this time, please check back later.  There is 
a delay between the time the magazine is released in the United States 
and the time when the mirroring process has been completed.)
Bonnie Wilson
D-Lib Magazine

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