[Asis-l] CFP: JCMC special issue on search engines

Michelle Kazmer kazmer at lis.fsu.edu
Fri Feb 11 12:22:01 EST 2005

Forwarding this CFP for the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 
Eszter Hargittai let me know she is keen to see papers from ASIST folk. 

Begin forwarded message:
> Apologies for cross-posting. If you have any questions about this call,
> please send me a note.  I look forward to receiving your inquiries and
> submissions.
> Eszter
> Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Special Issue on
> Guest Editor:
> Eszter Hargittai
> Northwestern University
> Abstracts (optional, but preferred) due: June 1, 2005
> Full papers due: Oct 1, 2005
> Anticipated publication: Summer or Fall 2006
> Search engines are some of the most commonly accessed Web sites online.
> Millions of people turn to search engines daily to find information 
> about
> news, health concerns, products, government services, their new 
> neighbors,
> natural disasters and a myriad of other topics. At the same time, 
> recent
> trends suggest that the search engine market is shrinking, with fewer
> large players guiding users' online behavior than ever before. Despite 
> the
> crucial role that search engines play in how people access information,
> little attention has been paid to the social, political, economic, and
> cultural dimensions of large-scale search engines.
> This special issue will explore the social implications of large-scale
> search engines on the Web. It will bring together experts from the 
> fields
> of communication, sociology, political science, economics, business, 
> law,
> and computer and information sciences to consider what we know about
> people's search engine uses and what recent trends suggest for the 
> types
> of content that will be most accessible to users in the future.
> The following are some questions papers might address: Who uses search
> engines and for what purposes? What are the effects of search engine 
> use
> on mass- and interpersonal communication? How do users' communication
> practices influence search engine functionality? How skilled are 
> various
> population groups at the use of search engines? How do search engines
> shape identity management and representation online? Are all search
> engines created equal? Is all content created equal in the eyes of 
> search
> engines? Is there a viable public alternative to the search engine 
> market
> dominated by private actors? These are just some of the possible 
> questions
> papers in this special issue may address.
> Potential authors should submit a preliminary proposal of 500 words by
> June 1, 2005 to the issue editor Eszter Hargittai
> (searchengines06 at webuse.org). Those interested in submitting an 
> abstract
> are encouraged to contact the special issue editor with questions and
> ideas. The proposal should include the central research question, the
> theoretical and/or empirical basis for the paper and preliminary 
> findings.
> Authors whose proposals are accepted for inclusion will be invited to
> submit a full paper of roughly 7,000-10,000 words by October 1, 2005.
> Since JCMC is an interdisciplinary journal, authors should plan for 
> papers
> that will be accessible to non-specialists, and should make their paper
> relevant to this audience. Anticipated publication date for the issue 
> is
> Summer or Fall 2006.
> Final submissions should be emailed to the special issue editor, Eszter
> Hargittai at searchengines06 at webuse.org.
> http://webuse.org/searchengines06/
> http://jcmc.indiana.edu/
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Michelle M. Kazmer, Ph.D.
College of Information
Florida State University
kazmer at ci.fsu.edu

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