[Asis-l] ISCRAM06 Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

Murray Turoff murray.turoff at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 00:25:25 EST 2005

Please feel free to message me if you have any questions via ISCRAM06 at njit.edu

Portable Portal ISCRAM 06 May 14-17, 2006
Third International Meeting of Information Systems for Crisis Response
and Management
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark NJ, USA

Paper submissions due by January 12, 2006

Copy and paste into your browser the following url to get the portal
below giving all the details on the ISCRAM meeting in an easy to
browse and print set of links.


You can switch between abstracts and full descriptions of the 21
special sessions, the three workshops and the PhD colloquium by
clicking the title.

Note that one of he keynoters is the CIO of New York City and we are
encouraging practitioner papers as well as regular research papers. 
If you are working in the Emergency Preparedness area with
practitioner groups please pass on this material to them.

ISCRAM Call for Papers (2 pages)
Special Sessions, and PhD Colloquium:
        List of Abstracts  (10 pages)
        List of Complete Descriptions  (30 pages)
Complete Submission Details  (2 pages)
Local Details: (8 pages)
        (hotels, local transportation,
        sight seeing, conference fees, sponsorship
        and/or exhibiting etc.)
ISCRAM Registration in December via
ISCRAM Community Home http://iscram.org

The above url link to the portal can also be gotten in the upper right
corner of my homepage http://is.njit.edu/turoff

Please feel free to message me if you have any questions via ISCRAM06 at njit.edu


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