[Asis-l] ASIST Annual Meeting's International Reception!

Sue Johnson sueojohnson at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 25 13:44:42 EDT 2005

Dear ASIST Members,
As you make your plans to attend the ASIST meeting in Charlotte, N.C., 
please remember that the annual International Reception, with YOUR 
international donations for auction, will be held on Monday night at 8:00PM. 
At this reception you have a chance to meet international visitors, and to 
support the INFO SHARE Program of ASIST's SIG III.through our silent auction 
and raffle.

Please bring a donation to Charlotte for the Silent Auction. We will have a 
box for auction items at or near the Registration Desk, and a form to 
identify the item, and you as the donor. "International" is the theme, and 
anything goes, from jewelry, pottery, clothing, fabrics, carvings, artwork, 
etc! Please look around at home and find things you are not using, and bring 
them. Through these efforts we are able to pay for ASIST memberships for 
leading information scientists in the developing world.

If you can't come and you would like to participate, you can mail anything 
to me to take, at :
Sue O'Neill Johnson, 8505 Victory Lane, Potomac MD 20854; or if you are in 
the D.C. area, send me an email and I can arrange for pickup.

Thanks in advance for your donations,
Sue O'Neill Johnson, InfoShare Chair 2004-2005 

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