[Asis-l] Seminar Announcement - Finding Pathways for preserving authentic digital objects

Joy Davidson british.editor at erpanet.org
Fri Apr 29 07:32:09 EDT 2005


The Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands and the Royal Library (Koninklijke
Bibliotheek) in collaboration with the InterPARES project are organising a
seminar on June 22, 2005 in The Hague titled:

“Finding Pathways for preserving authentic digital objects”

The focus of this seminar will be on the research conducted in the
InterPARES project (www.interpares.org) on preserving the authenticity,
reliability and integrity of digital objects, an issue of considerable
interest to many organisations. The Nationaal Archief participates as
co-investigator in this project. The research not only involves
administrative documents and the like, but also includes information objects
of scientific research and artistic expressions. The outcome of this project
will consist of policies, practical guidelines, and strategies for the
management and preservation of complex digital objects. One of the research
activities is carrying out case studies on how digital objects are managed
related to artistic, scientific research, and government activities. Apart
from a general introduction to the proper project, some of these case
studies will be presented during the seminar.


Chair: Betty Lutke Schipholt, Head Collection Department, Nationaal Archief

9.00	Registration
9.30	Opening, Chair (NA) and Hilde van Wijngaarden (KB)
9.45	The InterPARES 2 Project: an Overview, Luciana Duranti, Professor at
University of British Columbia, director InterPARES project
11.00	The InterPARES2 Case studies: an overview, Martine Cardin, Professor
at Laval University (Montreal)
11.40	Description and metadata, Sue McKemmish, Professor at Monash
University Melbourne
12.20	Discussion
12.45	Lunch
14.00	The Planetary Data System: A Case Study of a Space Science Data
Archive (NASA case study), Bill Underwood, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta
14.40	Introduction to VanMap case study, GIS of Vancouver City, Evelyn
McLellan, archivist City of Vancouver (Canada)
15.45 	Astronomical Data: How to Manage and Archive Scientific Data /
Records? The MOST Project, Bart Ballaux, research assistant of InterPARES
16.20	Discussion and wrap up
16.45	Closing

The seminar will take place on 22 June 2005 in the Auditorium of the
Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague. The Koninklijke Bibliotheek is located
next to the Central Station (exit platform 12).
You can register through the website of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek
(www.kb.nl/interpares) or by sending an email to congres at kb.nl. Information
on the programme can also be found on the website of the Nationaal Archief

The fee is € 50,- to be paid at registration and includes seminar
documentation, coffee/tea and lunch.

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