[Asis-l] Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (ELIS) Editors Named

Pat Payne payne at gseis.ucla.edu
Wed Apr 20 14:41:26 EDT 2005

(Forwarded on behalf of Virginia Walter, Chair, Department of Information
Studies, UCLA)
          I am very pleased to announce that Professors Marcia J. Bates and
Mary Niles Maack in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA have
accepted appointment as Editors of the Third Edition of the Encyclopedia of
Library and Information Science (ELIS), published by Marcel Dekker. They
will be taking over from current editor Dr. Miriam Drake in June of this

        With the help of an expanded Editorial Board to be appointed this
summer, Drs. Bates and Maack plan to engage in a thorough review of the
overall plan for the encyclopedia.  They intend to re-conceptualize the
Encyclopedia for the greatly expanded domains of the information professions
and institutions in the Internet Age. There will be extensive coverage of
dynamic and recently emerging topics such as informatics and social studies
of information. In addition, many new articles will be added on a broad
range of topics relevant to information science and systems, libraries,
archives, and museum studies. Through updates to the electronic version,
subscribers will be able to follow areas of the field that are rapidly

        Drs. Bates and Maack bring extensive research, publishing, and
practitioner experience in library and information science to their new
duties. One or both have been active in a number of relevant professional
associations, including the American Library Association (ALA), the American
Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), the Association for
Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), the Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM),  the Society for the History of Authorship,
Reading, and Publishing (SHARP), The American Records Management Association
(ARMA), and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

        Dr. Bates' many research and practice-oriented publications are
among the most highly cited in the field of library and information science
(http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/bates/).  Recent publications include
"The Cascade of Interactions in the Digital Library Interface" (Information
Processing and Management), and "Multimedia Research Support for Visiting
Scholars in Museums, Libraries, and Universities" (Information Technology
and Libraries).   She has consulted extensively in a wide variety of
information-related contexts, including the Library of Congress, the Getty
Information Institute, the information and database industry, and with Web
startup companies.  She has spoken  or consulted in Guatemala, Portugal, the
United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the Federated
States of Micronesia.  Her teaching and research focus has been  on
user-centered design of information systems, information seeking behavior,
online searching, and the organization of information.

        Dr. Bates,  a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Pomona College, and an
M.L.S. and Ph.D. graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, has
received the ASIST Research Award and has twice received the "Best Journal
of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Paper of the
Year Award," for papers, respectively, on information searching and the
nature of information science. She is a recipient of the Frederick J.
Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology, sponsored
by the ALA's Library and Information Technology Association and the Online
Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC).  Dr. Bates served on the California
Library Association's Taskforce on the Future of Library Education, and has
received the ALISE "Contributions to LIS Education Award."  She is also an
elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

      Dr. Maack (http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/maack/ ) graduated Phi
Beta Kappa from the University of Illinois in Urbana with a BA degree in
history.  On completing  her M.L.S. at Columbia University in New York she
worked  at New York Public Library, first as a children's librarian at two
branches in the Bronx  and then as a reference librarian at the
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.   She then returned to
Columbia School of Library Service where she completed her doctorate. Her
first book, Libraries in  Senegal (Chicago, American Library Association,
1981) was based on her thesis research in West Africa. Since then she has
lectured and consulted in fourteen countries in Africa, working under the
auspices of the United States Agency for International Development and the
United States Information Agency.  She has also been invited to speak in
Canada, Germany, Russia and has spent considerable time in France where she
held a Fulbright lectureship at the French National Graduate Library School
(Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Bibliothèques) in 1982-83. Since then she
has continued her research in cross cultural studies and is now working on a
history of American books in France from World War I through the end  of the
Cold War. 

       Professor Maack is also doing research for a comparative study of the
first generation of  women librarians in France, Britain and the United
States.  Her work on gender issues includes a monograph entitled Aspirations
and Mentoring in an Academic Environment which she co-authored with Joanne
Passet.  She has also authored numerous articles that have appeared in a
number of major refereed journals in the field. Her publications also
include contributions to several reference books, including the American
Library Association World Encyclopedia  and the Dictionary of American
Library Biography. Dr. Maack has received two ALA awards, the Justin Winsor
Essay Prize, and the Jesse Shera Research Award. At UCLA she has taught in
the areas of information access and reference services,  information in
society, women in the professions, and library history; she is also closely
involved with the California Center for the Book.
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