[Asis-l] Announcement: NKOS Meeting Set for JCDL in Denver

Gailhodge at aol.com Gailhodge at aol.com
Tue Apr 19 16:21:11 EDT 2005

Next Generation Knowledge Organization Systems: 
Integration Challenges and Stategies
7th Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop
 June 10-11, 2005
Denver, Colorado USA

Advance registration is open until May 9.
The 7th NKOS Workshop will take place on June 10-11, at the Denver Marriott 
City Center, Denver, Colorado as part JCDL 2005 (www.jcdl2005.org) .   
This Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) workshop builds on seven 
years of workshops in the U.S. and Europe on issues enabling networked 
knowledge organization systems (KOS), such as classification systems, thesauri, 
gazetteers, taxonomies, and ontologies, to support the description, retrieval, and 
use of diverse information resources. Now many efforts are underway to 
research the issues and implement solutions to the challenges of networking and 
integrating KOS in somewhat isolated domains: indexing services and thesaurus 
builders, computer scientists and system integrators, ontologists, taxonomists, 
and others. Requirements to solve these integration issues have become mission 
critical. The need to support computational, programmatic integration to handle 
masses of data from independent sources is pushing the research and 
development agenda. The need to move forward to meet these challenges while at the same 
time applying the best practices and "wisdom" developed through years of 
practical experience is acute.     

The JCDL-NKOS workshop for 2005 will bring together researchers and 
implementers from diverse  international communities who are developing new models, 
conducting research, and implementing practical solutions for networking KOS and 
integrating the associated information and data resources.  The primary aim of 
the workshop is to inform NKOS researchers and practitioners about 
developments across a number of communities and to identify research and development 
directions. The objectives are to encourage sharing of new initiatives and 
lessons learned and to identify collaborative development opportunities. 
Topics will include: 
The integration of KOS of different types, including thesauri, classification 
systems,  gazetteers, taxonomies and ontologies, in support of specific 
digital library and semantic web initiatives.
Methodologies, tools, and strategies for integrating and extending KOS to 
address new technology opportunities and to bridge domains and user communities. 
Updates to terminology related standards, including OWL, RDF, NISO Z39.19, 
the British Thesaurus Standard, the IFLA Guidelines for Multilingual Thesauri, 
and others from ISO and the W3C.
Identification of a research agenda to move forward
Workshop Format
The full-day workshop will begin Friday afternoon and end Saturday noon.  It 
will include invited and accepted presentations selected by the program 
committee.  Presentations will be grouped into topic sessions. Demonstrations may 
also be set up before and after the workshop and during breaks. Time will be 
provided for discussion of issues and networking opportunities. Participants will 
be given the opportunity to introduce their work and their interests.  
Facilitated discussions will be used to identify a research agenda.
Who Should Attend?
·         Digital library and information infrastructure developers,
·         Thesaurus, taxonomy, ontology and other KOS developers,
·         Standards developers in the area of terminology usage and exchange,
·         Resource discovery service providers (search engines, directories, 
portals etc.)
·         Information scientists, library, museum and archive professionals,
·         Language engineering and terminology researchers
·         Knowledge managers
Program Committee 
Gail Hodge, Information International Associates, Inc.
Jian Qin, University of Syracuse
Douglas Tudhope, University of Glamorgan
Marcia Zeng, Kent State University
Linda Hill, UC Santa Barbara (retired)
Registration and Further Details

Advance registration with early discount is open until May 9 from the 
JCDL2005 web site at  http://www.jcdl2005.org/registration.html 
Attendees are encouraged to attend the JCDL conference, but the regular 
conference fee does not include the workshop. Please check the above web site for 
applicable rates.
See the NKOS web site for further details, including the most recent program, 
and for general information on NKOS: http://nkos.slis.kent.edu 
For additional information contact:
Gail Hodge 
                                Information International Associates, Inc. 
312 Walnut Pl.
Havertown, PA 19083 USA
Email: gailhodge at aol.com
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