[Asis-l] Deadline Extension: CFP: Studying Digital Library Users In the Wild

Sarah Giersch sgiersch at bellsouth.net
Thu Apr 14 11:03:36 EDT 2005



Studying Digital Library Users In the Wild: Theories, Methods, and 
Analytical Approaches

Workshop, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Denver, 
Colorado, USA, June 10-11, 2005

The submission deadline for abstracts is now April 30th. Notification of 
acceptance will be sent out by May 10. Deadline for final position 
papers is still May 30th.

Registration information is available at:


The workshop will focus on the theoretical and methodological issues 
involved in the qualitative, longitudinal study of the developers, 
users, funders, etc., involved in the development of digital libraries, 
cyberinfrastructure, and other distributed information technologies. 
These technologies will be treated as complex mixtures of people, 
technological artifacts, and practices, that can be analyzed using a 
range of approaches, including anthropology, ethnography, 
ethnomethodology, grounded theory, discourse analysis, scenarios, 
in-depth interviews and focus groups.

The workshop will provide a forum where these theoretical and 
methodological interests and insights may be advanced, exchanged, and 
debated, and where experiences with differing technologies, contexts, 
and methodologies may be compared and contrasted. It will appeal to 
researchers from digital libraries and cyberinfrastructure, information 
science, communication studies, computer-human interaction, 
anthropology, sociology, and other areas, especially those who adopt 
socio-technical perspectives in the study of these complex technologies.

Persons interested in presenting are invited to submit a short (250 
word) abstract describing their research by April 30, for 
acceptance/rejection by May 10. The authors of accepted abstracts will 
be invited to submit a longer (600-1000+ word) position paper by May 31. 
The description of relevant case studies is encouraged. The workshop 
will consist of a series of themed panels and presentations of accepted 
position papers. Presentations will be discussed in a seminar format by 
presenters and participants. All attendees will be encouraged to make 
significant contributions, and to draw links between the presentations 
and their own experiences.

Accepted position papers will be collated, printed, and distributed at 
the workshop. Copies of accepted position papers and a summary of the 
workshop will be made available as a resource on the Digital Library for 
Earth System Education website (DLESE: http://www.dlese.org/), and also 
as part of the JCDL Workshop report made to D-Lib Magazine. After the 
workshop, opportunities for submitting expanded versions of selected 
papers for a special journal issue on qualitative digital library 
research will be explored.

The workshop is scheduled for two sessions, the first on Friday 
afternoon, June 10th, and the second on Saturday morning, June 11th. A 
group dinner is planned for the Friday evening.

For further information, and to submit abstracts, please contact Mick Khoo:
mjkhoo at ucar.edu
(see below for full contact information)

April 30:        Submission deadline for abstracts
May 10:        Notification of acceptance
May 31:        Submission deadline for completed position papers

June 10:        Afternoon, 2:00 - 5:30 pm: Workshop, part 1
June 10:        Evening: Group dinner
June 11:        Morning, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm: Workshop, part 2

Web site:        http://www.jcdl2005.org/
April 18:        JCDL advance registration opens online
May 9:        JCDL advance registration closes
May 10:        Late JCDL registration fees begin; online reservation 
still open
May 25:        Last day to cancel and receive an 80% refund on 
May 31:        Online registration closes

Michael Khoo, post-doctoral researcher
DLESE Program Center (DPC)
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA
tel: +1 303 497-2604  fax: +1 303 497-8336

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