[Asis-l] NYC Event - Future of Library Education Forum - Nov. 5th

Shelly Warwick swarwick at sprynet.com
Thu Sep 30 18:49:48 EDT 2004

ASIS&T invites you to a forum on The Future of Library Information Science
Education, featuring Michael Gorman, President Elect American Library
Association on Friday November 5th from 12:30-5:00 PM.

The event is sponsored by The Metropolitan New York Chapter of the American
Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), the Queens College
Chapter of the American Library Association and the Lloyd George Sealy

The format for the program will be an introductory talk by Michael Gorman,
followed by comments and response by three panels: one of library school
deans and directors; another of employers; and a third of LIS students. The
program will end with a general discussion.

The panel of Deans, Directors and Chairs will include:
	Nick Belkin, Rutgers – president elect ASIS&T
	Virgil Blake, Queens College
	Tula Gianini, Pratt Institute
	Edward Harris, Southern Connecticut State University
	Michael Koenig, Long Island University - former Dean
	Elizabeth Pollicino, St. John’s University
	Judith Robinson, SUNY Buffalo

The event will be held at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Room 1311, North Hall
445 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
(easy walk from Columbus Circle subway stop)

Light refreshments before and after.

To register send e-mail to Shelly_Warwick at qc.edu.
The event is free but advance registration is encouraged to ensure seating. 

I hope you can participate in what I expect will prove a lively debate. 

Shelly Warwick
Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
Queens College
65-30 Kissena Boulevard
Flushing, NY 11367
Voice: 718-997-3757
Fax: 718-997-3797
Shelly_Warwick at qc.edu

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