[Asis-l] CO-ASIS&T Panel Discussion on Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Patricia Furney PFURNEY at columbuslibrary.org
Thu Sep 2 18:20:16 EDT 2004

SAVE THIS DATE: Tuesday, October 5, 2004
for our first Fall CO-ASIS&T Program.
Plan to Join Us for a Panel Discussion on Current
Services and Future Endeavors for ESOL
Populations, led by Kristin Shelley, Branch Manager
of the Hilltop Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library.

We'll be discussing the needs of foreign customers and
students, their impact on operations, improving collections
and services for these populations, and more.
Kristin Shelley has pioneered public library efforts to reach 
Somali and Hispanic populations in Columbus.  She will be joined 
by Lara Callahan, Literacy Liaison, Beth Riemenschneider, 
Reference Coordinator, and Lynne Fogel, Foreign Language 
Materials Selector.

WHEN:    Tuesday, October 5, 2004
TIME:      6:30 to 7:00 PM - Refreshments and Sign-in
               7:00 to 8:00 PM - Presentation and Q & A
WHERE:  Hilltop Branch Library, 511 South Hague Avenue
The Hilltop Library is located immediately North of the
intersection of Sullivant and Hague Avenues. See the
attached instructions, or visit www.columbuslibrary.org 
and select "library locations".

This program is Free of charge, and everyone is welcome to attend. 
RSVP with Patricia Furney: pfurney at cml.lib.oh.us, 
or by calling Patricia at 361-3621.
Central Ohio Chapter of the American Society for Information Science
 and Technology

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