[Asis-l] Faculty Positions at Univ. of Michigan

Soo Young Rieh rieh at umich.edu
Tue Oct 19 10:13:58 EDT 2004

The School of Information at the University of Michigan seeks outstanding 
faculty candidates to address the revolutionary changes in the relationship 
between people and information in the interest of improving human welfare. 
We seek candidates, primarily but not exclusively at the junior level, and 
from any discipline who are interested in cross cutting themes such as:

Human-Information Interaction: the behavior of people in the use of 
information embedded in systems, services, networks, and devices 
(information seeking, intermediation, information retrieval, design and 
evaluation of information systems and services, information visualization, 
and information use in various environments).

Information for Re-Use: understanding and designing processes, policies, 
and systems, both social and technical, for the identification, selection, 
sharing, and re-use of information resources (such as archiving, 
preservation, knowledge representation, the Semantic Web, text 
summarization, metadata, classification, information architecture, 
organizational memory).

Technology-Mediated Collaboration: the use of communication and computing 
technology for interactions among collocated and dispersed people and 
resources, including social and technical factors, supportive tools, 
interfaces and ways of organizing.

Incentive-Centered Design: applying theories of rational choice, strategic 
games, and psychological and social motivation to technology-mediated 
coordination and information sharing (auctions, matchers and recommenders, 
spam controllers).

Information Use in Communities: understanding and supporting, particularly 
with contextual approaches, how information flows, resources and 
technologies form, maintain and serve geographic and cyber-communities, and 
communities of practice.

Models of Information in Use: formal treatments of information processes 
such as information theory, probabilistic models and stochastic processes, 
complex systems, artificial intelligence methods, especially as related to 
real-life information problems.

See www.si.umich.edu/facultypositions/ for more information and how to 

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action 
educator and employer.

Soo Young Rieh
Assistant Professor
School of Information, University of Michigan
304 West Hall
550 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1092
Voice: (734) 647-8040
Fax: (734) 764-2475

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