[Asis-l] Wiki-based, Collaborative Internet Resource Guides?

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Wed Nov 10 12:21:49 EST 2004

_Wiki-based, Collaborative Internet Resource Guides?_


I am interested in learning about Any and All current, pending, or
planned efforts to create Wiki-based, Collaborative Internet Resource
Guides (and/or Compendia).

[For information about Wikis see the Wiki entry in the Wikipedia  [
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki ] .

Such guides could be limited to the a compendium of only free (and
fee?) *Internet* resources, or could  include print resources as

I would appreciate any Thoughts/CosmicInsights/Observations about the
Positive and/or Negative aspects of Wiki-based collaboration for this
type of activity.

BTW: Once I get my WikiInOrder, I plan to establish a WikiSpace for
such type of guides (and will post a Call for Participation when the
WikiSpace is available). StayTuned !!! However ...  

If you wish to GetOnBoard Early, let me know of your interest in
serving as a contributor/community editor/oversight committee
member/Etc. for this GrandEndeavor ASAP [Thanks!] 

The initial focus will be ScienceAndTechnology resources, e.g., Patent
Resources, Technical Reports, Conference Papers Sources, etc.



Gerry McKiernan
Wiki-Based Librarian 
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

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