[Asis-l] 2004 ASIS&T Chapter Member of the Year Award Winner

Karen Howell khowell at usc.edu
Mon Nov 1 20:23:06 EST 2004

2004 ASIS&T Chapter Member of the Year Award Winner

Congratulations to the 2004 ASIST Chapter Member of the Year Award winner,
Nichole McNeely-Kallas, Potomac Valley Chapter!

The Chapter Member of the Year award recognizes the service of an
individual to a particular chapter.  It is given for significant
contributions to the membership of the chapter through participation in and
support of its meetings and publications; fundraising; recruitment; or
other significant activities.

During the past two years, Nichole McNeely-Kallas has actively worked to
grow the Potomac Valley Chapter.  She has organized programs that serve the
interests of PVC members, increasing program attendance significantly; she
developed a web site, served as Chapter officer, hosted a major fund
raiser, and involved new members in chapter activities.  She brings all the
qualities that will ensure the future for the Potomac Valley Chapter:
leadership and initiative, enthusiasm, follow-though on all promises,
creativity in programming, and, at the same time, appreciation for the
Chapter¹s history and traditions.  Her successful and inspiring efforts to
reinvigorate the Potomac Valley Chapter are applauded heartily by ASIST.

Please join me in congratulating Nichole McNelly-Kallas on a job well done!

Karen Howell
ASIS&T Chapter Assembly Director

Karen Howell
CIS Committee Vice-Chair for Strategic Planning
Director, Center for Scholarly Technology
Information Services Division
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA  90089-2571
(213) 740-2933
khowell at usc.edu

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