[Asis-l] New applications of Knowledge Organization Systems: free JoDI special issue

Traugott.Koch at lub.lu.se Traugott.Koch at lub.lu.se
Tue Mar 30 08:37:08 EST 2004

Journal of Digital Information (JoDI) announces
(Volume 4, issue 4, March 2004)
Special issue Editors: Douglas Tudhope, University of Glamorgan, and
Traugott Koch, Lund University

The issue is freely accessible at http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/?vol=4&iss=4

Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (KOS), such as classifications,
gazetteers, lexical databases, ontologies, taxonomies and thesauri, model
the underlying semantic structure of a domain. They can support subject
indexing and facilitate resource discovery and retrieval, whether by
humans or by machines.

New networked KOS services and applications are emerging and we are
reaching the stage where we can prepare the work for future exploitation
of common representations and protocols for distributed use. 
A number of technologies could be combined to yield new solutions.

The papers published here are concerned with different types of KOS,
discuss various standards issues and span the information lifecycle.

D. Tudhope, T. Koch 
Editorial: New Applications of Knowledge Organization Systems:
introduction to a special issue

The papers stretch from reengineering existing KOS (developing the FAO
AGROVOC thesaurus towards an ontology), move on to mapping techniques
between vocabularies, the focus of the work of the OCLC Terminology
Services Project, then discuss KOS service protocols and interfaces
studied at the University of Glamorgan, illustrate an application of
KOS to teaching scientific concepts in the ADEPT project at the
University of California, Santa Barbara, and finally present a
theoretical and historical foundation of a Semantic Web for Culture.

D. Soergel, B. Lauser, A. Liang, F. Fisseha, J. Keizer, S. Katz 
Reengineering Thesauri for New Applications: The AGROVOC Example

D. Vizine-Goetz, C. Hickey, A. Houghton, R. Thompson 
Vocabulary Mapping for Terminology Services

C. Binding, D. Tudhope 
KOS at your Service: Programmatic Access to Knowledge Organisation

T. Smith, M. Zeng 
Building Semantic Tools for Concept-based Learning Spaces- Knowledge
Bases of Strongly-Structured Models for Scientific Concepts in Advanced
Digital Libraries

K. Veltman 
Towards a Semantic Web for Culture

The Journal of Digital Information is a peer reviewed electronic journal
published only via the Web. JoDI is currently free to users thanks to
support from the British Computer Society and Oxford University Press

Enjoy reading and welcome discussing,
Traugott Koch
JoDI Theme Editor Information Discovery 

ANYMORE. PLEASE USE THE NEW ONE: traugott.koch at lub.lu.se

| TRAUGOTT KOCH, Senior librarian, Digital Library Scientist  
| Knowledge Technologies Group, NetLab. Lund Univ. Libraries 
| P.O. Box 134.  S-221 00  Lund, Sweden                       
| Tel: int+46 46 2229233    Fax: int+46 46 2223682            
| E-mail: traugott.koch at lub.lu.se                             
| Personal homepage: http://www.lub.lu.se/koch.html           

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