[Asis-l] ASIST Chapter Award Nominations Due Soon!

beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu
Wed Jun 9 11:53:21 EDT 2004

Yes!  It's that time of year for chapter award nominations!  The deadline
for nominations is July 1.

This year we're trying something new to make the entire nomination and jury
process (eventually) easier.  You can now submit nominations
electronically, using a modification of the same system (START from
smartconf.com) that has worked well for submissions for the ASIST meetings
and summits.  As Sam Hastings has described in the President's Page of the
June/July 2004 Bulletin, there are several advantages to using an
electronic submission system:

** Submissions/nominations can be modified up until the deadline.
** Nominations can be reviewed by anyone, anywhere with access to the Web.
This accessibility resolves prior problems for members on vacation and also
allows our international members to take part in juries and provide
** Electronic submissions allow chapter officers to make nominations and
submissions without the expense of mailing the submission.
** And ASIST gets an electronic archive of all submissions.

For information on the award guidelines and for the link to the electronic
submission system, click on the URL's below.

Chapter Event of the Year      http://www.asis.org/awards/chevent.htm
Chapter Member of the Year     http://www.asis.org/awards/chmember.htm
Chapter Electronic Publication of the Year
Chapter Publication of the Year (Print)

To get to the electronic submission system, click on E-SUBMIT.

Please note:  The system only allows you to attach one document per
nomination, but the guidelines may require you to submit various documents,
such as letters of support.    In order to accomplish the submission of
various attachments, please append them to each other and create one big

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask
Beata Panagopoulos,
Chapter Assembly Deputy-Director
tel. 617-496-1775
email: beata_panagopoulos at harvard.edu

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