[Asis-l] NSF CISE/CNS Computing Research Infrastructure; letters of intent 07/26/04; proposals 08/23/04

Zemankova, Maria mzemanko at nsf.gov
Tue Jun 1 12:34:47 EDT 2004

CISE Computing Research Infrastructure (CRI)
Program Solicitation
NSF 04-588
URL : http://www.nsf.gov/pubsys/ods/getpub.cfm?nsf04588
Type : Program Announcements & Information
Subtype : Computer/Information Sciences

Letter of Intent (only required for large proposals, over $800,000):
     July 26, 2004

Full Proposals (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time):
     August 23, 2004

Synopsis of Program:

     The Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)
     Computing Research Infrastructure program supports the
     acquisition, development, enhancement, and operation of research
     infrastructure that enables discovery, learning, and innovation
     in all computing fields supported by CISE.  Supported
     infrastructure includes instrumentation needed by a few research
     or research and education projects, major experimental facilities
     for an entire department or for multi-institutional projects, and
     testbeds or data archives for an entire subfield of CISE

     One goal of the CISE Computing Research Infrastructure (CRI)
     program is to provide infrastructure that enables high-quality
     computing research and education.  A second goal is to extend the
     set of individuals and departments that are able to conduct such
     activities.  The CRI program is committed to maintaining a broad
     portfolio that supports research and education across a diverse
     population and lessens the digital divide. The program encourages
     proposals that are from or that include minority-serving

     The CRI program will support a variety of infrastructure needs,
     such as general or specialized research equipment, technical
     support, and/or software.  CRI will also support the development
     of infrastructure that can be used by others, such as data
     archives or libraries of software tools.  The primary criteria
     are that the infrastructure facilitates the conduct of
     high-quality research and related education, and that it cannot
     be acquired or developed without funding resources beyond those
     available from individual research and education grants and the
     host institution.

Cognizant Program Officer(s):

   * Darleen L. Fisher, Deputy Division Director (Acting), Directorate for
     Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Division of Computer and
     Network Systems, 1160N, telephone: (703) 292-8950, fax: (703)
     292-9010, email: dlfisher at nsf.gov

   * Rita V. Rodriguez, Program Manager, Directorate for Computer &
     Information Science & Engineering, Division of Computer and Network
     Systems, 255 N, telephone: (703) 292-8950, fax: (703) 292-9010, email:
     rrodrigu at nsf.gov


The CRI program is a great opportunity for the IDM community for both
obtaining and developing information infrastructure. Over the years I've
heard many requests for funds of various repositories, testbeds, software
libraries, experimental heterogeneous environments, etc., etc. I hope you
will cease the opportunity of the broadened CRI program and will be
successful in obtaining funding that will help in your personal research and
will also build useful tools for the IDM community and beyond.

Please direct any questions to the CRI cognizant program directors (see

Go for it!!!

Best wishes,


Maria Zemankova, Ph.D.
Program Director, Information and Data Management (IDM)
Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 1125
Arlington, VA 22230

Phone: 703-292-8918       Fax:  703-292-9073
Email: mzemanko at nsf.gov
URL: http://www.cise.nsf.gov/iis/


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