[Asis-l] ASI SoCal July Meeting--Please Post. Thank you!

bonny mclaughlin bonny.mclaughlin at cgu.edu
Fri Jul 2 16:15:43 EDT 2004



    A workshop by Do Mi Stauber

    Facing the Text:
    Content Analysis and Entry Selection in Book Indexing


Saturday, July 31
8:00 to 3:00
Radisson Hotel Santa Barbara
1111 E. Cabrillo Blvd.
Santa Barbara, CA  93103
$49 per person for ASI members; $61 for nonmembers

This participatory workshop focuses on the practical processes of 
indexing. We survey the steps that indexers follow in interpreting texts 
and creating index structures, using examples from real texts and 
indexes. This workshop covers back-of-book indexing in the social 
sciences and humanities. It is not a basic introduction to indexing, but 
novices as well as experienced indexers will benefit. The workshop 
covers main topics, indexable topics, subheadings, cross-references, 
double-posting, and wording, and includes new material from Do Mi's 
recently published book, Facing the Text: Content and Structure in Book 


Subjects discussed include:


    * understanding the author's message and the structure of the text
    * the metatopic (main topic of the book)
    * local main topics
    * ancillary topics
    * deciding which topics are indexable
    * the varying relationships of subheadings to their main headings,
      using a new typology of subheadings developed in collaboration
      with Nancy Mulvany
    * creating subheadings for long spans and locator strings
    * choosing wordings
    * double-posting
    * cross-references


Do Mi Stauber is the author of Facing the Text: Content and Structure in 
Book Indexing (you will be able to purchase a signed copy) and of 
"Jewels in the Cavern: The Special Challenge of Scholarly Indexing." She 
is a past chair of the judging committee for the Wilson Award for 
Excellence in Indexing. Do Mi has been a full-time back-of-book indexer 
since 1986. She indexes scholarly books, textbooks, government documents 
and encyclopedias in all of the social sciences and humanities.


Do Mi Stauber; 2809 Shirley St.; Eugene, OR 97404; 541-461-5085

Domi at DoMiStauberIndexing.com <mailto:Domi at DoMiStauberIndexing.com>   
http://www.DoMiStauberIndexing.com <http://www.domistauberindexing.com/>





"Do Mi is a delightful speaker. I enjoyed her enthusiasm and good humor."


"Excellent examples, well-prepared, fluid and invigorating. No dozing 
here!! Do Mi is an excellent teacher."


"What I've learned today will help my in both my indexing and writing. 
An excellent presentation, alive, vigorous, kept interest up, involved 
all participants." 


"...It is very rare that one becomes a much better indexer from one day 
to the next. But that is what happened when I took your course." I found 
I could make decisions more easily and more confidently. There was a 
difference between the "pre-Do Mi" work and the "post-Do Mi" work. And 
the benefit has continued with my subsequent indexes." -Janet Russell, 
Wilson Award winner 2004


"I've not heard such a dynamic speaker in a long time...Her electricity 
charged us all." -Jacob Schulzinger


To register for this workshop, send your check (payable to ASI-SoCal), 
plus the registration form below, to the address below, before July 24, 
2004.  The registration fee covers refreshments at breaks,  buffet 
luncheon, and all class materials.  Directions to the Radisson will be 
included in the e-mail confirmation you'll receive.  Several of us will 
be carpooling and staying over one or two nights in the area.  Indicate 
on the form if you wish to be put in contact with others for this purpose.


Registration Form


Facing the Text:
Content Analysis and Entry Selection in Book Indexing


Please register ___ (number of persons) for the ASI-SoCal 
all-day/luncheon workshop at the Radisson Hotel Santa Barbara.  Enclosed 
is my check for ____  ($49 per person for members, $61 for nonmembers).  
In understand that this does not include the cost of alcoholic beverages 
I may choose to order.








Snail-mail this form and your check, payable to ASI-SoCal, by Saturday, 
July 24th to:


Anne Leach

Santa Barbara Meeting Registration

78240 Bonanza Drive

Palm Desert, CA  92211-1208


aleach at dc.rr.com



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