[Asis-l] MW2004: Regular Registration Ends Feb. 15, 2004

J. Trant jtrant at archimuse.com
Mon Feb 9 13:35:13 EST 2004

	Museums and the Web 2004
	Washington DC / Arlington VA, USA
	March 31 - April 3, 2004

	the international conference about culture and heritage on-line.

** MW2004 Program **
MW2004 will open with a keynote address from Jeffery Zeldman, 
internationally known author of "Designing with Web Standards", and 
close with a plenary session featuring Peter Samis, of the San 
Francisco Museum of Modern Art, on "Making Sense of Modern Art at 

Parallel sessions, museum project demonstrations, dozens of 
commercial exhibits, full-day and half-day pre-conference workshops, 
and one-hour mini-workshops combine with a day-long usability lab, a 
design "Crit Room", and the Best of the Web awards to round out the 

** Save Money: Regular Registration ends February 15, 2004 **
Sunday February 15 is the last day for Regular Registration Rates for 
Museums and the Web 2004.  Be sure of your choice of workshop and 
tour by registering soon. Registration Rates are calculated based on 
the *date payment is received*. Use a credit card and register 
on-line by February 15, 2004, to be sure you get the regular rate. If 
you can't make this date, you can still register on-line or on-site 
at higher rates.

** Participate in MW2004! **
While the formal program is closed, there are still ways that you can 
participate in Museums and the Web.

* Crit Room *
Experienced Web designers offer site critiques in the "Crit Room". If 
you  would like to have your site featured in the Crit Room, there 
are still spots. Contact mw2004 at archimuse.com.

* Usability Lab *
Paul Marty and Michael Twidale are again facilitating a Usability 
Lab, featuring real-time user testing. Sign up at the conference to 
be a tester, or to have your site tested.

* Birds of a Feather Breakfasts *
Suggest a topic or be a convener for a Birds of a Feather Breakfast 
Table. Email mw2004 at archimuse.com if you have an idea for discussion 
or would like to get a group together.

** Join Us! **
We hope to see you at MW2004, March 31 - April 3, 2004, in Arlington, 
Virginia and Washington, DC, USA. It's your participation that keeps 
MW  "practical and fun" while remaining "thought provoking" (to quote 
MW2003 conference evaluations).

** Can't Make It? Get the Book **
All papers presented at MW2004 are peer reviewed. A selection will be 
available in print from Archives & Museum Informatics; all papers for 
MW2004 will be also available on-line.

See you at MW2004!

jennifer and David

Jennifer Trant and David Bearman
Co-Chairs, Museums and the Web 2004
mw2004 at archimuse.com

Museums and the Web  Co-Chairs: David Bearman and Jennifer 
Archives & Museum Informatics
158 Lee Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4E 2P3 Canada
phone +1 416 691 2516 / fax +1 416 352-6025 / email: mw2004 at archimuse.com

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