[Asis-l] FW: SIS invites you to its First ISI Samuel Lazerow Memorial Lecture March 31, 2004

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Fri Feb 6 14:05:54 EST 2004

[Forwarded by request.  Dick Hill]

-----Original Message-----
The School of Information Sciences at the University of Tennessee hosts
its First ISI Samuel Lazerow Memorial Lecture March 31, 2004

Speaker: Dr. Michael Buckland
Co-Director, Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative
Emeritus Professor of Information Management and Systems
University of California, Berkeley.

Title: What, Where, When, and Who: Redesigning the Reference Environment
for Digital Libraries

Place/Time/Date: Hodges Library Auditorium, 11:00-12:30pm, Wednesday,
March 31, 2004

Traditionally, anyone setting out to learn about a new topic could visit
the reference area of the local library and benefit from a carefully
selected collection of specialized resources: encyclopedias, dictionaries,
gazetteers, biographies, etc., and quickly build up a set of notes and
references, including articles, images, statistical data, and so on. The
digital library environment is still weak in providing an effective
counterpart to the traditional reference library. How could the design of
the digital library infrastructure be improved to provide better and more
convenient access to specialized resources to learn about topics, places,
times, and people?

Brief bio
	Dr. Michael Buckland is currently Co-Director of the Electronic
Cultural Atlas Initiative and Emeritus Professor of Information Management
and Systems at the University of California, Berkeley. He was President of
the American Society for Information Science and technology in 1998. Dr.
Buckland has made significant contributions to theorization of information
sciences and applications of theories to information management and
services. He is a frequently sought-after key-note speaker.
Dr. Buckland's publications include Library Services in Theory and Context
(Pergamon, 1983; 2nd ed. 1988), Information and Information Systems
(Praeger, 1991), and Redesigning Library Services (American Library
Association, 1992), and numerous articles. For more information please
visit his Webpage at http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/~buckland/
Born and grew up in England, he earned his Ph.D. from the Sheffield
University, with a doctoral dissertation later published as Book
Availability and the Library User (Pergamon, 1975). In 1972, he moved to
the United States to Purdue University Libraries where he was Assistant
Director of Libraries for Technical Services, before becoming Dean of the
School of Library and Information Studies at Berkeley, 1976-84. From 1983
to 1987 he served as Assistant Vice President for Library Plans and
Policies for the nine campuses of the University of California. He has
been a visiting professor in Austria and in Australia.

The distinguished ISI Samuel Lazerow Memorial Lectures are sponsored by
the Institute for Scientific Information's (ISI) Corporate Awards Program
(http://www.isinet.com/). The Lecture Series was established by ISI in
1983, to honor the memory of Samuel Lazerow, who was an outstanding
librarian, administrator, and pioneer in library automation.

Contact: Peiling Wang (peilingw at utk.edu; 974-3700)

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