[Asis-l] Upcoming ALCTS Cataloging & Acquisitions Workshops

Karen Letarte karen_letarte at ncsu.edu
Thu Aug 19 17:07:28 EDT 2004

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), a 
division of the American Library Association, is pleased to announce our 
upcoming educational offerings.  ALCTS Education events provide 
excellent learning opportunities as well as an opportunity to share 
information and experiences with colleagues.  Please join us at any of 
the following events.  Further details and registration information may 
be found at www.ala.org/alcts/events <http://www.ala.org/alcts/events>.  
Online registration is now available!
Upcoming events include:

    Rules and Tools for Cataloging Internet Resources
    September 13 - 14, 2004 in Chicago, IL
    November 2004 in Baltimore, MD
    Effective Subject Cataloging Using LCSH
    October 18 - 19, 2004 in Richmond, VA
    November 2004 in Chicago, IL
    Fundamentals of Acquisitions Web Course
    A four-week Web-based course
    September 13 - October 8, 2004
    October 25 - November 19, 2004

Please forward to anyone who may benefit.
Rules and Tools for Cataloging Internet Resources
September 13 - 14, 2004 in Chicago, IL
November in Baltimore, MD
Part of the "Cataloging for the 21st Century" series, this two-day 
workshop is designed for practicing catalogers with a working knowledge 
of MARC and AACR2 from all types of libraries. 
It will provide instruction and exercises in various aspects of 
MARC/AACR2 cataloging of electronic resources, including:
· Cataloging electronic monographs.
· Cataloging electronic serials.
· Multiple versions and aggregators.
· Cataloging electronic integrating resources (Web sites & databases).
· Updating integrating resource records for changes.
· Machine-assisted generation of cataloging.
The "Cataloging for the 21st Century" continuing education series offers 
practicing catalogers instruction in bibliographic control practices 
that will help them continue to play a significant role in shaping 
library services in the emerging digital information environment.
Instructors:  Steve Shadle, Serials Cataloger, University of Washington 
Libraries and Steven J. Miller, Head, Monographs Department, University 
of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Libraries.
Registration fees start at $319 for ALCTS members, $159 for students.
Please go to www.ala.org/alcts/events <http://www.ala.org/alcts/events> 
for more information or to register.  Online registration is now available!
Effective Subject Cataloging Using LCSH
October 18 - 19, 2004 in Richmond, VA
November 2004 in Chicago, IL
This two-day workshop presents the full subject analysis training 
program developed by the ALCTS Subject Analysis Committee subcommittees 
and the PCC Standing Committee on Training. It is designed to benefit 
catalogers at all levels and individuals involved in the education and 
training of catalogers.
Sessions include:
· Basic subject analysis principles and tools and provide training in 
the application of Library of Congress subject headings and subdivisions
· MARC coding and subject authorities
· Overview analyzing select specialized subject areas and formats

Instructors:  Steven Arakawa, Yale University Libraries and John 
Mitchell, Library of Congress.

Registration fees start at $319 for ALCTS members, $159 for students.
Please go to www.ala.org/alcts/events <http://www.ala.org/alcts/events> 
for more information or to register.  Online registration is now available!
Fundamentals of Acquisitions Web Course
A four-week Web-based course
September 13 - October 15, 2004
October 25 - November 30, 2004
The Fundamentals of Acquisitions focuses on what you need to know about 
the basics of acquiring monographs and serials: goals and methods; 
financial management of materials budgets; and relationships among 
acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and 
This course is tailored for librarians and paraprofessionals new to the 
acquisitions field. It is a fundamentals course and thus, the topics are 
introductory in nature. Class segments are geared to cover issues of 
interest to staff in all types of libraries.  Participants will receive 
a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after 
the selection decision is made.
Basic Course Components:  Goals of Acquisitions Services; Methods and 
Basic; Functions of Acquisitions; Ethics; and, Budget/Finance and 
Contact Hours: 8 hours
Registration fees are $99 for ALCTS members and $119 for non-members.
Please go to www.ala.org/alcts/events <http://www.ala.org/alcts/events> 
for more information or to register.  Online registration is now available!
Our apologies for any duplication.

Karen M. Letarte
Chair, ALCTS Education Committee
Assistant Head, Cataloging Dept.
Head, Database Development
NCSU Libraries
Box 7111
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7111
(919) 515-5696
Fax: (919) 515-8264
karen_letarte at ncsu.edu

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