[Asis-l] NISO Metadata Workshop - Last Chance for Early Bird Discount

Cynthia Hodgson chodgson at niso.org
Wed Apr 14 16:20:01 EDT 2004

NISO Offers Strategic Insights with ?Metadata Practices on 
the Cutting Edge?: Early Bird Registration Closes April 

As library users demand increasingly sophisticated 
electronic products and seamless access among them, 
employing the right metadata for the right product or 
project becomes a critical decision. If you are involved 
in strategic decisions for your organization, you need to 
know about new and developing metadata standards. 

Get the guidance you need on the growing variety of 
metadata standards and explore issues of interoperability 
at NISO's "Metadata Practices on the Cutting Edge" on May 
20 in Washington, DC.  Topics in the spotlight ? from both 
theoretical and practical perspectives?will include: 
metadata syndication, digital archiving, metadata quality 
assurance, image metadata, the Joint Working Party 
initiative on serials and subscription metadata, METS, 
MODS, and more. 

Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC, will keynote; other speakers are: 
Howard Ratner, Nature Publishing Group; Chuck Koscher, 
CrossRef; Oya Rieger, Cornell; William LeFurgy, Rebecca 
Guenther and Morgan Cundiff, Library of Congress; 
MacKenzie Smith, MIT; Nathan Robertson, Johns Hopkins; 
William Moen, University of North Texas; Bruce Rosenblum, 
Inera, Inc.; and Jenny Walker, ExLibris (USA).

In addition, members of the NISO Standards Development 
Committee will discuss plans to support metadata 
interoperability through the development and coordination 
of standards.

The agenda and registration details are on the NISO 

Cynthia Hodgson
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300
Bethesda, MD  20814-5248
T. 301-654-2512, F. 301-654-1721

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