[Asis-l] MCN 2003: Getting Started With XML

Chuck Patch chuckp at hnoc.org
Tue Sep 23 12:17:06 EDT 2003

There's still time to register online at www.mcn.edu/Mcn2003/index.html 

Co-Sponsored by the Museum Computer Network and RLG 
Las Vegas, NV November 8, 2003 

Title: Getting Started with XML 
Instructor: Eric Lease Morgan, Infomotions Inc. 
Schedule: Saturday, November 8, 2003  9:00 am - 4:00 pm 
Location: UNLV Computer Lab, CBC C-125 
Cost: $150 for the entire day (includes lab fees) 

Registration Deadline: Monday, October 15, 2003 
Sign up online: http://www.mcn.edu/Mcn2003/index.html 

Learn about the encoding scheme that is becoming the industry standard for
the transmission of archival, museum and library data. XML is the foundation
technology underlying Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and forthcoming
versions of the MARC format.

RLG and MCN are offering this hands-on, full-day workshop for the very low
price of $150. 

Using numerous examples, demonstrations, and structured hands-on exercises,
participants will acquire a thorough introduction to XML and be able to
determine how XML techniques can be effectively employed in their work

Highlights include:

* Six simple rules for creating valid XML documents
* Using cascading style sheets with XML documents
* Rendering XML documents programmatically using XSLT
* XHTML and HTML and how XHTML can make your website more accessible
* Using SPECTRUM markup to describe and repurpose museum content 

This is one part of a full line-up of sessions and workshops investigating
the functionality and implementation of metadata at MCN 2003: Balancing
Technology and Transformation, November 4 - 8, Las Vegas, Nevada. See the
full schedule at www.mcn.edu/Mcn2003/confmain/index.html

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