[Asis-l] 9/22, Rutgers/NJ-ASIST Distinguished Lectureship, Christine Borgman

greg.paris at pharma.novartis.com greg.paris at pharma.novartis.com
Fri Sep 19 13:57:49 EDT 2003

Next Monday, September 22, Professor Christine Borgman will be at
Rutgers University to give the annual NJ/ASIST Distinguished Lecture,
"Digital Libraries: Past Present and Future."

The event will be from 3:00 - 4:30 PM in the Scholarly Communication
Center (4th floor) of the Alexander Library. A reception with wine, soft
drinks, and tasty goodies will follow the talk.

All are welcome. No reservations are needed and there is no fee.

If you would like to attend the evening buffet dinner at Rutgers and
talk by Dr. Borgman on current research related to digital libraries,
reservations are necessary by noon Thursday, Sept. 18. Reservation,
parking, and directions information is located at:

If you plan to attend the dinner meeting, please make a reservation by
email and pay at the door.

The social hour and dinner will give you an opportunity to connect with
fellow members as well as with people from the special library
community. The event is sponsored by NJ ASIST, the state special library
chapters, by SCILS and the RU Libraries.

Wine, beer and soft drinks for the social hour are included in the
dinner cost courtesy of our corporate sponsors Pro Libra and Information

(sent to ASIS-L by Greg Paris, Novartis)

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