[Asis-l] Question for Candidates

Gailhodge at aol.com Gailhodge at aol.com
Thu Sep 11 22:02:04 EDT 2003



Sorry I haven't responded to your question for the candidates regarding ASIST 
and other similar organizations.  I have been out of the office quite a bit 

I truly believe that ASIST has a unique role to play, but it is true that 
there is overlap among the various organizations, not only SLA, but NFAIS, MLA, 
and others.  Obviously in a time of decreased resources, both time and money 
(individual and employer), there will be increased competition for membership, 
conference attendance, etc. However, these really are our sister organizations. 
 Each has its own unique purpose and perspective.  

I would like to see more opportunities to work together.  There have already 
been significant efforts on the part of Dick Hill and his counterparts to 
provide meeting discounts for members of sister organizations.  I think joint 
programming is a natural way to extend this effort, take advantage of other 
resources and perspectives and encourage attendance at ASIST meetings.  Joint 
programming (which often happens between SLA and ASIST at the chapter level for 
example) is a way to advance the profession as a whole by exposing members to the 
perspectives of our counterparts.  

Gail Hodge


[Posted for Brian Gray <brian.gray at santoprene.com>.  Dick Hill]

I would like to hear your view on the complementary nature of ASIS&T with 
other groups such as SLA, and the role ASIS&T has to work with others 
professional groups in order to advance the information profession as a whole.

Brian C. Gray
Information Assistant
Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P.
brian.gray at santoprene.com

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