[Asis-l] SIG USE Newsletter Published
Dania Bilal
dania at utk.edu
Wed Sep 3 11:47:38 EDT 2003
Hello all,
The first issue of the SIG USE Newsletter is now online in a pdf format.
It is temporarily linked to my home page until Jasmine (Webmaster) is able
to link it to SIG USE website. Please read about our activities, news, and
plans for ASIST 03.
Visit http://web.utk.edu/~dania/siguse newsletter.pdf
Thanks to all of you who sent their news to us for the Newsletter. Thanks
to Linda Z. Cooper for editing the Newsletter. Dania.
Dania Bilal, Ph.D
Associate Professor
School of Information Sciences
The University of Tennessee
1345 Circle Park
Communications 451
Knoxville, TN 37996
(865) 974-3689
E-mail:dania at utk.edu
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live
forever." Mahatma Gandhi
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