[Asis-l] ASIST Wisconsin Chapter Presentation

hiris at uwm.edu hiris at uwm.edu
Fri Oct 31 12:09:24 EST 2003

Challenges and Problems in the Creation of a Digital Library

Sponsored by: American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) 
Wisconsin Chapter; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Information 
Studies ASIST Student Chapter

Nolan Pope, Nolan Pope is Associate Director for Technology in the UW-Madison 
Libraries.   He’s also responsible for the digital library initiatives for UW-
Madison as well as the overall production and hosting of DL projects approved 
for the UW System Libraries.  He’s been a member of the Board of Directors of 
the National Information Standards Organization as well as chair of the 
committee that oversees the standards development.

Patti Day, the Digital Spatial Data librarian at the American Geographical 
Society Library (AGSL) at UW-Milwaukee.  She takes on the role of creating the 
AGSL’s Digital Spatial Data Clearinghouse.  She was recently invited to the 
National Academy of Sciences to give feedback to the USGS on data 
accessibility issues regarding the new National Map initiative.

Nolan Pope will review the digital library infrastructure used for the UW 
System’s UW Digital Collections as well as the UW Madison.   The presentation 
will begin with a review of the technologies and equipment, as well as the 
tools to manage the process from the initial assessment of the original 
materials, the actual transformation to digital format, the creation of 
metadata and encoding to enable retrieval and navigation, to the final quality 
controls.    The types of digital objects and their characteristics, problems 
and issues of dealing with fragile or rare materials, and types of 
technologies used to host and provide user access will be described.   He’ll 
identify standards and best practices used.   Overall management as well as 
budgeting for the infrastructure and transformation to digital format will be 

Patti Day will address issues involved in identifying, acquiring, archiving 
and providing access to digital spatial data.  She will discuss issues that 
affect access to digital data sets, how to manage and make available licensed 
data sets, and explain why people may have to actually come to the library to 
obtain digital data.  She will focus the challenge and problems of providing 
digital spatial data online.

Time: 	     10:00am -12:00pm Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

Location:    Bolton Hall Rm 289, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
             3210 Maryland Ave.  Milwaukee, WI 53211

Refreshments will be served.

Hong (Iris) Xie, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Chair, ASIST Wisconsin Chapter
School of Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
(414)229-6835 (phone)
(414)229-4848 (fax)

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