[Asis-l] web chat for prospective dMLIS students

Lindsay Boswell lboswell at u.washington.edu
Wed Oct 22 11:58:17 EDT 2003

The University of Washington's Information School presents an informational
web chat opportunity for prospective applicants to the distance Master of
Library and Information Science (dMLIS) program

dMLIS web chats provide prospective students an opportunity to ask questions
and learn more about the program from Information School chat attendees:
MLIS Program Chair Joe Janes, Instructor Trent Hill, Program Assistant
Lindsay Boswell and dMLIS Student Services Administrator Bridget Warbington.

When: October 23rd, 2003, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (PST).

Directions on how to sign on to the chat are posted at
www.ischool.washington.edu/dmlis/info_sessions.htm and will be e-mailed to
prospective students who RSVP to attend the chat.

Please join us even if you can't RSVP before the chat on October 23rd at
dmlis at ischool.washington.edu.

Lindsay Boswell
Program Assistant
The Information School
University of Washington
Box 352840
Seattle, WA 98195-2840
phone: 206.543.3172
email: lboswell at u.washington.edu

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