Susan Emilie Manus sman at loc.gov
Thu Oct 2 13:05:35 EDT 2003

(This announcement is being sent to multiple lists.   Apologies for  any

4th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval
October 26-30, 2003
Baltimore, Maryland 

Registration for ISMIR 2003 is still available online through the 
ISMIR 2003 web site (see above).  Detailed program information is now 
available from this site, which will be updated periodically. Superb 
accomodations are available through the conference hotel, and 
reservations can now be made through the "hotel" link on the above web 

All paper, panel and tutorial sessions will take place at the 
conference hotel in Baltimore, in addition to a gala dinner and  special
concert at the Peabody Conservatory of Music.  A highlight of  the
conference will be Keynote Speaker Anthony Seeger, anthropologist, 
audiovisual archivist, musician, and currently professor of 
ethnomusicology at UCLA.  The conference will also feature tours and a 
reception at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.  

The annual ISMIR Conference is the first established international 
forum for those involved in work on accessing digital musical 
materials. It reflects the tremendous growth of music-related data 
available either locally or remotely through networks and the 
consequent need to search this  content and retrieve music and musical 
information  efficiently and effectively. 

We hope to see many of you at ISMIR 2003.

Susan Manus, Library of Congress
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Co-chairs, ISMIR 2003

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