[Asis-l] CFP: Pre-ICIS'03 HCI/MIS Workshop

Ping Zhang Pzhang at syr.edu
Thu May 15 11:58:55 EDT 2003

(apology for cross-posting)

                                          CALL FOR PAPERS 

                                            HCI/MIS 2003 

           The Second Annual HCI in MIS (HCI/MIS) Research Workshop

                December 12-13, 2003 (Pre-ICIS), Seattle, Washington 

Building upon past successes of the first workshop (pre-ICIS'02, Barcelona), 
AMCIS panels and minitracks (2002, 2003), as well as the tremendous interests 
in broad HCI issues exhibited by MIS colleagues, the AIS SIGHCI 
is planning its second annual HCI/MIS research workshop to be held prior
to ICIS 2003 in Seattle, Washington in December 2003.


The objective of the workshop is to provide an open and constructive discussion 
forum of important HCI research in Information Systems that addresses the 
ways humans interact with information, technologies, and tasks -- especially 
in the business, managerial, organizational, social and/or cultural contexts. 
HCI in MIS is concerned with the macro level (versus the micro level) of 
Human-Computer Interaction analysis. The purpose of the workshop is to 
identify important HCI/MIS problems and innovative research approaches. 
The organizing committee is looking for interesting and novel research ideas 
as well as studies that address important HCI problems in today's organizations 
by drawing upon theories and/or methodologies from all relevant reference 
disciplines. This year's workshop will also try to bridge the gaps between 
academic research and industry interests by providing panels to debate pressing 
topics and issues in HCI that are relevant to the MIS field. 


Dr. Vladimir Zwass, editor-in-chief of JMIS (http://jmis.bentley.edu/), has agreed 
to fast track successful expansions of the best complete research papers from 
the workshop for a special section devoted to the workshop. The special 
section is to be published in 2004. It will be co-edited by Izak Benbasat, Ping Zhang, 
Fiona Nah, and Jonathan Lazar. More details can be found at the 
workshop webpage.


Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following: 

	- The perceptual, behavioral, cognitive, motivational, and affective/emotional 
	   aspects of human and their interaction with IT

	- User task analysis and modeling  

	- Digital documents/genres and human information seeking behavior 

	- Informed user interface design and evaluation for all types of business and 
	  organizational applications such as

		+ B2B, B2C, C2C E-Commerce 
		+ E-marketplace and supply chain management 
		+ Group collaboration 
		+ Negotiation and auction 
		+ Enterprise systems 
		+ Intranets 
		+ Extranets 
		+ Small-screen mobile devices and pervasive computing
		+ Multi-dimensional information visualizations

	- Integrated and/or innovative approaches, guidelines, and standards for 
	  analysis, design, and development of interactive devices and systems, 

	- Usability engineering, metrics and methods for user interface assessment 
	   and evaluation of end-user computing in work or non-work 
	   environment, especially in the Internet era

	- Information technology acceptance and diffusion issues from cognitive, 
	   behavioral, affective, motivational, cultural, and user interface design 

	- The impact of interfaces/information technology on attitudes, behavior, 
	  performance, perception, and productivity 

	- Issues in software learning and training 

	- Gender and technology 

	- Issues related to the elderly, the young and special needs populations 

	- Other human factors issues related to human interaction with technologies


Authors are encouraged to submit high quality research (completed or research 
in progress papers). Since this is a workshop, we actively solicit papers describing 
novel research ideas that may be at a relatively early stage of 
development. Full papers are preferred, although extended abstracts of at least 
2,500 words (must include references) will also be considered. 

Submissions will undergo a double-blind review process. Authors should 
agree to provide timely reviews of at most two other submissions, if requested. 
Manuscripts should be in MS Word format and be submitted as email attachments 
to Fiona Nah at fnah at unl.edu and copied to Ping Zhang at pzhang at syr.edu, 
with the subject heading "HCI/MIS workshop submission." 
Authors can use the body of the email as the cover letter for the submission 
and should ensure that their identities do not appear in any part of the manuscript. 
The first page of the manuscript should have a title, an abstract of less than 300 words, 
and a list of 5-6 keywords. All manuscripts should be double-spaced with 
Times New Roman 12-point font and one-inch margins around.


Extended abstracts of all accepted papers will be published in the workshop 
proceedings. This inclusion should not affect full versions of the papers to 
be published later in journals. More details on the format and requirements of the 
camera-ready version for the proceedings will be available later at the workshop webpage.


This year, the workshop will select one best paper for the award. The selection 
of the best paper is a two-stage process. First, best paper candidates are 
selected based on the reviews of all the submissions. Then a special committee 
consisting of the organizing committee and several Program Committee 
members will review the candidates and select the best paper. Award will be 
given at the workshop.


Paper submission deadline: August 31, 2003. 
Notification of acceptance: October 15, 2003 
Extended abstracts due for proceedings: October 31, 2003
Workshop: December 12-13, 2003


Workshop co-chairs:	
	Ping Zhang, Syracuse University
	Jonathan Lazar, Towson University

Program chair: 	
	Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Dr. Ping Zhang
Associate Professor
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244
Phone: (315) 443-5617
Fax: (315) 443-5806
pzhang at syr.edu
IST at SU: http://istweb.syr.edu
AIS SIGHCI: http://melody.syr.edu/hci
Dr. Zhang: http://melody.syr.edu/pzhang

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