[Asis-l] Google Donates Search Appliance to UT-Austin School of Information

Mary Lynn Rice-Lively marylynn at ischool.utexas.edu
Mon Jun 23 13:11:32 EDT 2003


AUSTIN, Texas -- Google, Inc. has donated a Google Search Appliance, a
commercial/industrial grade search engine, to the University of Texas at
Austin School of Information.

The gift of hardware and software will be used by students and faculty in
their research endeavors, according to Dr. Don Turnbull, assistant professor
in the School of Information.

It will also be used to enhance the navigability of iSchool's Web site,

"The Google Search Appliance will be used to promote information retrieval
research and development here at the School of Information", Turnbull said.
"It will also be an integral part of the curriculum for a graduate course on
Web Information Retrieval this upcoming spring semester."

The use of advanced technology such as the Google Search Appliance is one of
the many progressive projects on information architecture now underway at
the School of Information. Google's donation to the School of Information is
a first for the company and is recognition, according to Dean Andrew Dillon,
of the cutting-edge research now being conducted by faculty and students at

About the School of Information

The School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin is a graduate
school whose mission is to capture the promise of the information age by
actively generating and disseminating new knowledge related to the
principles, processes, and applications of information accessibility and use
in society.

About Google
Google's innovative search technologies connect millions of people around
the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D.
students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in
all major global markets. Google's targeted advertising program, which is
the largest and fastest growing in the industry, provides businesses of all
sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience
for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout
North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit www.google.com.

# # #

Google is a trademark of Google Technology Inc. All other company and
product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they
are associated.

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