[Asis-l] ichim03: Cultural Institutions and Digital Technology

J. Trant jtrant at archimuse.com
Tue Jul 15 10:37:58 EDT 2003

Apologies for any duplication -- please forward as appropriate.

	ichim03 -- the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting
	Cultural Institutions and Digital Technology

		September 8-12, 2003
		Ecole du Louvre, Paris, France

The Program: September 10-12, 2003
See http://www.archimuse.com/ichim03/ for an overview.

The ichim03 program includes a full range of papers, presentations 
and  panel discussions. Five major themes will be explored, 
presented, analyzed and discussed by one hundred speakers:

1. The political, economic, legal and technical frameworks for 
cultural institutions and digital publishing in a digital age;
2. Management and technological strategies for digitization of 
cultural heritage;
3. Dissemination, exploitation and enrichment of digital assets;
4. Museum and interactive exhibitions;
5. Digital art and the creation of a digital culture today.

Pre-Conference Workshops: September 8-9, 2003
See http://www.archimuse.com/ichim03/workshops/ for a full list.

Experienced professionals offer in-depth training in an exceptional 
range pre-conference workshops September 8-9, 2003. Take this 
opportunity to learn a new skill, or deepen your understanding of an 
area you are working in.

You can register for ichim03 and pay in either US$ or Euros.

* To register in US$ see http://www.archimuse.com/ichim03/register/

* To Register in Euros see http://www.ichim.org/

About ichim03
The International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM) is, 
traditionally, the best international forum in which to examine the 
relationship between technology and Cultural Heritage. ICHIM has been 
held every two years since 1991, alternating between North America 
and Europe.

We're meeting at the Ecole du Louvre, Paris, France, following 
successful meetings at  Le Louvre in Paris (97), and Washington D.C. 
(99) and  the  Politecnico di Milano (01).  We expect at least 500 
specialists, from museums, cultural organizations, universities, 
research institutes, technology companies and organizations to join 
us this fall in Paris.

ichim03 is organized by Archives & Museum Informatics and Archives & 
Museum Informatics, Europe, in association with the Ecole du Louvre, 
Paris, France.

Published proceedings for this and all past ICHIM meetings are 
available. Order your copy at http://www.archimuse.com/pub.order.html

We hope to see you in Paris!

ichim2003				Ecole du Louvre, Paris, France
Archives & Museum Informatics		September 8-12, 2003
158 Lee Ave, Toronto
Ontario, M43 2P3 Canada			http://www.archimuse.com/ichim03/
					ichim03 at archimuse.com

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