[Asis-l] Journals and Magazines to donate

cborn cborn at swbell.net
Sun Jul 6 16:37:39 EDT 2003

I have the following journals and magazines I would like to
donate to a library:

Communications of the ACM 		1997-2002 (most issues)
Flagship journal of the Association for Computing Machinery

Linux Journal				1998-2001 (most issues)
"...computer industry's gateway to the world of Linux. Whether your product
target is the Linux novice, computing professional or systems
administrator - Linux Journal delivers. Our no nonsense tutorials,
informative product reviews, and cutting edge news from the Linux front have
made LJ a great resource for readers and advertisers alike."
If you run Linux, these back issues can be very useful.

Wired Magazine				Assorted Dates
Publication of record for the Digerati

Software Development			1998-2001
Excellent publication covering trends in software development methodology.
Back issues contain information which is still relevant today.

Videomaker					Assorted dates

Enterprise Development			Assorted dates
Covers enterprise-level
software development trends

All these publications contain useful information, but I can no longer keep
I am willing to donate them to a library or individual that will make use of
them and I will pay shipping costs in the U.S. (USPS Media Mail).

I am willing to donate all or part on a first-come first-served basis.
However, if one institution is willing to take everything, they will get
preference, as I am trying to keep shipping cost down

Also, please respond directly to me, as I no longer subscribe to the list.


Charles Bornstein

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