[Asis-l] Position Available -- U Minnesota Bio-Medical Library

Janet M. Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Fri Jan 17 07:59:42 EST 2003

  >>see full announcement for contact information<<

The Bio-Medical Library [University of Minnesota Libraries---Twin Cities 
Campus] seeks experienced applicants for the new position of Head of 
Reference (UL164). Position Available Immediately.

This position will have responsibility for:
-- Coordination of Reference Services, including reference desk coverage, 
training new and existing staff, searching, and reference consultation.
-- Writing policies and procedures, developing and introducing new services 
and resources with a user-centered focus, and keeping staff up-to-date on 
reference tools, services, and resources
-- Marketing reference services to the Academic Health Center and 
developing targeted outreach programs, participating in long range planning 
for public services, and establishing goals and objectives for reference 
-- Supporting the library's web initiatives, including HealthWeb and Health 
and Medicine in the News, and serving on committees both within the 
Bio-Medical Library and the University Libraries system-wide
-- Collection development and liaison responsibilities in an assigned 
subject area
-- Providing general and research assistance to library users during 
regularly scheduled hours
at the Reference Desk
-- Promoting information literacy through participation in library instruction
-- Supervision of four librarians and two classified staff

Full Announcement at:

Bio-Medical Library WebPage:

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