[Asis-l] Copyright in the Digital Age Seminar

Olga Francois ofrancois at umuc.edu
Mon Feb 10 16:31:50 EST 2003

Could you please post the message below announcing our 2003 Annual
Seminar to your listserve? 

Thank you for your consideration -Olga.


         The Center for Intellectual Property
   at the University of Maryland University College
          is hosting its 2003 seminar titled
                   *       *       *

    April 3rd - 4th 2003, Greenbelt Marriott, Maryland

Higher education institutions are facing an increasing number of issues
in an attempt to comply with copyright law and also maintain an
atmosphere that promotes learning and academic freedom. Seminar
participants will explore in depth some of the most pressing issues
facing intellectual property policy and higher education today.

Participants will explore in depth the following critical issues:
--Review the TEACH Act that promises possible expanded uses of
copyrighted works in digital distance education and poses the possible
peril of expanded institutional risks and responsibilities

--Analyze the relationship between P2P file sharing, comprehensive
copyright use policies and risks for university liability

--Assess the challenges to academic freedom and research posed by
section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

--Analyze the development of a scholarly commons as a viable alternative
to traditional publishing and various academic approaches to expanding
the public domain on the university campus

--Review recent intellectual property legislation that impacts higher

The Center encourages administrators, faculty, librarians and attorneys
with an interest in these issues to participate. Please register early
since space is very limited. Early registration ends March 20, 2003.

The Keynote speaker is Kenneth Crews, Associate Dean & Director,
Copyright Management Center, Indiana University-Purdue University
Indianapolis (IUPUI) and Intellectual Property Scholar, Center for
Intellectual Property, University of Maryland University College.

Additional confirmed presenters and panelist(s) include:
~  Allan Robert Adler, Vice President, Legal and Governmental Affairs,
Association of American Publishers
~  David Bollier, Senior Fellow, Norman Lear Center, USC Annenberg
Center for Communication
~  Joseph Branin, Professor and Director of Libraries, Ohio State
~  Julie E. Cohen, Professor, Georgetown University Law Center
~  Edward W. Felten, Associate Professor, Princeton University
~  Charles B. Lowry, Dean of Libraries and Professor, University of
Maryland College Park
~  Arnold Lutzker, Partner, Lutzker & Lutzker, LLP
~  James G. Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University
Librarian, Columbia University
~  Raymond Nimmer, Professor and Co-Director, Intellectual Property and
Information Law Institute, University of Houston Law Center
~  Miriam M. Nisbet, Legislative Counsel, American Library Association
~  Robert M. O'Neil, Director, Thomas Jefferson Center for the
Protection of Free Expression, University of Virginia
~  Rodney J. Petersen, Director, Policy and Planning, Office of
Information Technology University of Maryland College Park
~  Kenneth Salomon, Attorney, Dow, Lohnes & Albertson LLP
~  Lee S. Strickland, Visiting Professor, College of Information
Studies, University of Maryland College Park
~  Siva Vaidhyanathan, Assistant Professor, New York University
~  Sarah (Sally) Wiant, Professor, Washington & Lee University School of

This 1.5 day seminar will explore the most pressing issues facing higher
education and the use of copyrighted works. Please register early since
space is limited. Early registration ends March 21, 2002.

       For additional information visit our Web site at
  http://www.umuc.edu/odell/cip/seminar/  OR call 301-985-7777.
   [Please excuse the inevitable duplication of this notice.]

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