[Asis-l] Tenopir Honored with Research and Creative Achievement Award

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Mon Apr 21 15:18:50 EDT 2003

[Forwarded. Dick Hill]

>From: Joel Southern <jsouthern at utk.edu>
>School of Information Sciences
>News Release
>April 21, 2003
>For Immediate Release
>Contact: Joel Southern, Coordinator of Public Information
>865/974-6727, jsouthern at utk.edu
>Carol Tenopir Honored with Research and Creative Achievement Award
>Dr. Carol Tenopir, alongside three other distinguished faculty members at 
>the University of Tennessee, was awarded a 2003 Research and Creative 
>Achievement Award at the yearly Provost's Honors Banquet held on April 9.
>As a major research university, UT honors and fosters scientific 
>exploration and creative accomplishments of its senior faculty. The most 
>prestigious acknowledgement of that mission is through the presentation of 
>Research and Creative Achievement Award.
>Designed to honor accomplished researchers known internationally in their 
>fields, this award recognizes Dr. Tenopir for her advances in teaching, 
>research, and service at the University.
>Dr. Tenopir is a professor in the School of Information Sciences where she 
>bridges the fields of information science, communication, and 
>librarianship. She has published more than 200 journal articles and four 
>books. In 2003, she was awarded the Research Award of the American Society 
>for Information Science and Technology (ASIST). In 2001, she received the 
>Excellence in Teaching Award from the Association for Library and 
>Information Science Education (ALISE).
>Dr. Elizabeth Aversa, director of the School of Information Sciences, 
>said, "Carol Tenopir would be any dean or director's choice for this award 
>in that she is not only an accomplished researcher but an exemplary 
>teacher, a thoughtful mentor, and a generous contributor to the broad 
>field of information and library sciences."
>Tenopir's Contributions to Information Science
>In 1991, the National Science Foundation awarded Dr. Carol Tenopir a 
>$251,961 grant for studying electronic journal use by undergraduates. 
>Tenopir's research will help maximize academic users' understanding of the 
>complex presentation of technical information.
>Nature magazine published an article by Carol Tenopir and Donald W. King 
>in its October 18, 2001 issue. Tenopir and King's article, entitled 
>"Lessons for the Future of Journals," chronicles the history of electronic 
>journals and explains how "continuing perceptions of inadequacies in the 
>journal system and fascination with new technologies have spurred a rash 
>of innovative ideas for enhancing or replacing traditional journals."
>The 2001 issue of the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 
>(ARIST) published eight of the defining papers in the information science 
>field. Carol Tenopir's article, co-written with Donald W. King, is 
>entitled "Using and Reading Scholarly Literature."
>Also awarded Research and Creative Achievement Awards at the University of 
>Tennessee Provost's Honors Banquet were:
>Dr. Thomas Davies, professor of law, has been cited as one of the most 
>outstanding scholars on the history of Criminal Procedure in America today.
>Dr. Sally Horn conducts outstanding research in geology that has earned 
>her national and international acclaim.
>Dr. Richard Jantz is a professor of anthropology and the director of the 
>internationally recognized Forensic Anthropology Research Center.
>School of Information Sciences * University of Tennessee
>1345 Circle Park Drive, Suite 451
>Knoxville, TN 37996-0341
>865/974-2148  *  sis at utk.edu  *  http://www.sis.utk.edu/

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