[Asis-l] Press Release

Claudia Hansen c.hansen at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Sep 12 10:43:56 EDT 2002

AUSTIN - Dr. Mary Lynn Rice-Lively has been appointed Associate Dean 
for the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at 
the University of Texas at Austin as of September 1st. This is a 
newly created full-time position, a first for GSLIS.
	A former Assistant to the City Manager for the Dallas Mayor 
and Council Office and, more recently,the Assistant Dean of 
Information Technology at GSLIS, Dr.Rice-Lively is an expert in 
management and information technology and has held a variety of 
management positions during her 25 years of professional work. 
Expressing his enthusiasm for the new position, Dean Dillon notes 
"Mary Lynn brings a wealth of experience to the position and will be 
a key asset to the School as we move forward. She will serve as the 
manager of day to day operations at the School and has the respect 
and full support of the faculty and staff to take this role on 
Claudia Hansen
Scheduling Coordinator
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
The University of Texas at Austin
fax 471-3971

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