[Asis-l] NSF Information & Data Management program and Information Technol ogy Research initiative: proposals submission, collaboration, reviewing
Zemankova, Maria
mzemanko at nsf.gov
Fri Nov 29 17:19:03 EST 2002
1. REMINDER: Proposal Submission Deadlines and Guidelines
2. INFORMATION: Collaboration
3. REQUEST: Volunteer to Review Proposals
1. Proposal Submission Deadlines and Guidelines
Information Technology Research (ITR) initiative
Information and Data Management Program (IDM) in the Information and
Intelligent Systems (IIS) Division <http://www.cise.nsf.gov/iis>
ITR deadlines (NSF 02-168):
December 12, 2002: Small projects (<$500K)
February 12, 2003: Medium projects (<$4M)
March 24, 2003: Large projects (<$15M): Pre-proposals are mandatory, were
due on November 18, 2002, and only encouraged projects can submit full
Please see the ITR Web site for further details <http://www.itr.nsf.gov/>.
IDM/IIS deadlines (NSF 01-156):
March 1, 2003 (it's a Saturday, so proposals may be submitted the next
working day, i.e., Monday March 3, 2003 by 5 PM of the submitter's local
November 16, 2003 (it's a Sunday, so proposals may be submitted the next
working day, i.e., Monday November 17, 2003 by 5 PM of the submitter's local
Proposals for workshops <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2003/nsf032/032_2.htm#IID7>
or Small Grants for Exploratory Research
<http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2003/nsf032/032_2.htm#IID1>, or requests for REU
Supplements to existing grants to support Research Experience for
Undergraduates <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2003/nsf032/032_2.htm#IID7> can be
submitted any time during the timeframe October - June, but the PIs are
requested to contact the program director, Maria Zemankova
<mzemanko at nsf.gov> prior to submitting the proposal/supplement request.
IDM proposals will be handled by Maria Zemankova <mzemanko at nsf.gov>,
ITR proposals in the area of "Information Management", i.e., proposals
relevant to the IDM program and other relevant programs in the IIS Division
will be handled by Bhavani Thuraisingham <bthurais at nsf.gov>, 703-292-8930.
Both of us will also be involved in handling ITR proposals in "Scientific
and Engineering Frontiers", especially bioinformatics and geoinformatics
(GIS, etc.).
The ITR areas "Information Management" (IM) and "Scientific and Engineering
Frontiers" (SEF) are NOT defined. However, we use the term IM to describe
proposals that address more fundamental/core issues in information
technology, whereas SEF refers to proposals where the information technology
research is driven by a scientific or engineering application. The SEF
proposals very often have interdisciplinary co-PIs.
We would like to encourage you to submit innovative proposals, addressing
important and timely research problems, where the results will have broad
(Note that your proposal will be reviewed by the two NSF review criteria,
intellectual merit and broader impact, so make sure to address both of them
in your proposal.)
Many PIs would like to know where to submit their proposals, what the
chances are in the IDM program vs. ITR initiative, what types of proposals
are better suited for IDM or ITR. Although we cannot predict your chances of
success, we believe this would be a good strategy:
Smaller-scale (<<$500K) projects should be aimed to the IDM program, under
the Program Announcement NSF 01-156 and the appropriate deadline.
The IDM budget is rather tight, hence it will be extremely difficult to make
awards much larger than $300K for 3 years. However, projects that may
require individual attention (e.g., very interdisciplinary, hence will need
to be reviewed by a diverse body of reviewers, possibly considered by
several NSF programs, etc.) should also be directed to the IDM program,
although the budget may be higher. The budgetary considerations should not
guide your selection of the program for your proposal. Any proposal will be
happily accepted in the IDM program, and every stone will be turned to find
funding for projects that should be supported.
Small-scale (<$500K) projects that address broader "Information Management"
or "Scientific and Engineering Frontiers" issues should be submitted as ITR
proposals (NSF 02-168), directed to the Information and Data Management
(IDM) Program.
Medium (<$4M) projects and Large (<$15M) projects that address broader
"Information Management" or "Scientific and Engineering Frontiers" issues
should be submitted as ITR proposals (NSF 02-168), directed to the
Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) Division. After selecting IIS as
the primary CISE division, you are encouraged to select the Information and
Data Management Program as the secondary organizational unit as well as
other relevant program(s) (scroll down the screen to the "Show All NSF
Units" button, and select the most appropriate program(s)).
ITR awards are an excellent chance for the IDM community to receive support
for visionary, larger-scale, often interdisciplinary proposals. We strongly
encourage you to take the advantage of the ITR funding opportunity.
2. Collaboration
IDM and ITR proposals with interdisciplinary, industry, government or
international collaboration are encouraged.
Please note that in most cases there are special rules for the non-academic
collaborators' participation or support. Please check the Grants Proposal
Guide (NSF 02-03) <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2003/nsf032/start.htm> and the
program announcements (e.g., ITR or GOALI: Grant Opportunities for Academic
Liaison with Industry <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/1998/nsf98142/nsf98142.htm>
The non-US collaborators cannot be supported by NSF, hence must have or
should plan on receiving support from their home funding agencies.
In addition to IDM and ITR, proposals with international collaboration can
be submitted by the US-based researchers to the NSF International Programs
<http://www.nsf.gov/home/int/start.htm>, or to the special Computer and
Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate programs for
collaboration with Mexico, NSF-CONACyT Collaborative Research Opportunities
<http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/1998/nsf96145/nsf96145.htm> and Brazil, NSF-CNPq
Collaborative Research Opportunities
<http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/1998/nsf98139/nsf98139.htm> .
3. Volunteer to Review Proposals
The National Science Foundation cannot function without the advice received
from ranks of reviewers and panelists. We would appreciate your volunteering
to serve on ITR or IDM review panels, or provide individual reviews. In
general, panelists read a set of proposals and write a review for around 10
proposals and come to a panel meeting where proposals are discussed. On the
other hand, individual reviewers may write a review for one or more
proposals, but do not need to come to the panel meeting. We are looking for
panelists or reviewers from academia, industry or government and especially
would like to build up our base of international reviewers.
To volunteer, please send email containing
Your name
Your affiliation
Your phone number
Your email address
Your home page URL (if you don't have one, enter the most relevant
URL, or enter "No URL")
Area(s) of expertise (up to 8 technical keywords)
(Please observe this order, one entry per line, as we'll try to import this
to the NSF reviewer database.)
Please address your email and specify the appropriate Subject, depending on
where you would like to volunteer. If you would like to volunteer in more
than one category, please send the email message to all relevant categories,
to facilitate our channeling the messages correctly.
To: mzemanko at nsf.gov <mailto:mzemanko at nsf.gov>
Subject: IDM panelist volunteer
To: mzemanko at nsf.gov <mailto:mzemanko at nsf.gov>
Subject: IDM reviewer volunteer
To: bthurais at nsf.gov <mailto:bthurais at nsf.gov>, mzemanko at nsf.gov
<mailto:mzemanko at nsf.gov>
Subject: ITR/IM panelist volunteer
To: bthurais at nsf.gov <mailto:bthurais at nsf.gov>, mzemanko at nsf.gov
<mailto:mzemanko at nsf.gov>
Subject: ITR/IM reviewer volunteer
To: bthurais at nsf.gov <mailto:bthurais at nsf.gov>, mzemanko at nsf.gov
<mailto:mzemanko at nsf.gov>
Subject: ITR/SEF panelist volunteer
To: bthurais at nsf.gov <mailto:bthurais at nsf.gov>, mzemanko at nsf.gov
<mailto:mzemanko at nsf.gov>
Subject: ITR/SEF panelist volunteer
Sorry if you receive this message several times, as we are trying to use
several mailing lists in order to reach as many potential IDM and ITR PIs.
Please forward this message to other researchers in the IDM community and
pass our encouragement to submit ITR and IDM proposals.
Best wishes,
Maria Zemankova and Bhavani Thuraisingham
Maria Zemankova, Ph.D. <mzemanko at nsf.gov>
Program Director, Information and Data Management (IDM)
Bhavani Thuraisingham, Ph.D. <bthurais at nsf.gov>
Program Director, Data and Applications Security (DAS)
Information Technology Research (ITR)
Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 1115
Arlington, VA 22230
Phone: 703-292-8930 Fax: 703-292-9073
URL: http://www.cise.nsf.gov/iis/
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