From Songphan.C at Tue Sep 8 09:34:07 2015 From: Songphan.C at (Songphan Choemprayong) Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 13:34:07 +0000 Subject: [Asia-pacific-chap-plan] CFP: LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (LIDA) 2016 Message-ID: <> Excuse Duplicate Postings - Please Distribute Widely CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Biennial International Conference LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (LIDA) 2016 Zadar, Croatia, 13-17 June 2016, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia Full CFP can be found here: Email: lida at Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) addresses the changing and challenging environment for libraries and information systems and services in the digital world. This year's theme ?Digital Library Curation and Collections? is divided into two parts. The first part covers research and development, and the second part addresses advances in applications and practice. LIDA is an international biennial conference that brings together researchers, educators, practitioners, and developers from all over the world in a forum for personal exchanges, discussions, and learning, made easier by being held in memorable environs. The LIDA conference is held at the University of Zadar (Croatia) and the conference's Guest of Honour is Professor Tefko Saracevic, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, USA. LIDA 2016 Theme: DIGITAL LIBRARY CURATION AND COLLECTIONS Part I: Digital Curation and Preservation. Contributions (types described below) are invited covering the following and related topics: * Advances in activities or technologies needed for digital curation and digital preservation * Developments in systems and networks supporting long-term preservation and access * Standards-based advances in digital curation and preservation * Cost models and long-term funding considerations * Risk management in digital curation * Preservation of and access to oral and other non-text content * Evaluation of systems, practices, or approaches used in digital curation * Stakeholders (contributors, users, etc.) and the use and users of preserved digital content * Implementation of digital initiatives, systems, projects, etc., supporting long-term access to digital content, including international and intercultural initiatives * Education and training for the long-term management of digital collections * Discussion about general issues: How are we to understand digital curation in its own right? How are we to respond in digital libraries? What are the opportunities and challenges? Part II: Use Studies, Education & Training for Digital Library Collections Contributions (types described below) are invited covering the following and related topics: ? Usage studies based on digital sources, including log file analysis, social media, and bibliometric / infometric source analysis ? Language sensitive and culturally sensitive user studies that include online testing, videoconference-based interviews and/or focus groups ? Statistical and/or qualitative analyses of digital collections ? Training and curriculum plans to teach text mining, semantic web, triple store databases, and tools using machine intelligence ? Research integrity discovery and evaluation tools and training ? Forms of training and education that help people engage actively with the latest developments in information science ? Discussion about general issues: How can we better understand users and uses of digital collections? How do we educate and teach for digital collections? Types of Contributions: Invited are the following types of contributions: 1. Papers: scholarly studies and reports on practices and advances that will be presented at the conference. Both completed research and early work/preliminary results are invited. Papers will be refereed in a double-blind process. Submit 1,500 word abstract, plus references. 2. Posters: short graphic presentations on research, studies, advances, examples, practices, preliminary work and educational projects that will be presented in a special poster session. Posters will undergo a double-blind review. Awards will be given for Best Poster and Best Student Poster. Submit 750 word abstract, plus references. 3. Panels: up to 90 minute sessions that will be interactive and offer different perspectives and approaches to a specific topic. Organizers propose the format and invite up to five panelists (including the moderator). Submit 750 word abstract, plus references. 4. Demonstrations: live examples of working projects, services, interfaces, commercial products, or developments-in-progress that will be presented during the conference in specialized facilities or presented in special demonstration sessions. Submit 750 word description. 5. Workshops: two to four-hour sessions that will be tutorial and educational in nature, and are intended to foster interactive discussions for attendees who share common interest. Submit 750 word description, plus references. 6. PhD Forum: short presentations by doctoral students, particularly as related to their dissertation, in a session organized by the European Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology ( The PhD Forum provides doctoral students the opportunity to present their work to senior faculty in relatively informal setting and to receive feedback on their dissertation by a panel of international educators. Submit 750 word description. 7. Undergraduate/Graduate Student Showcase: short presentations by undergraduate and graduate student, related to their research, practical projects, etc. The showcase will provide students with opportunity to get feedback on their work in informal setting and advice on how to develop their work further and get published. Submit 750 word description, plus references. Important dates: Extended abstract submission deadline: 1 February 2016 Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2016 Deadline for submitting full-text manuscripts: 1 June 2016 Notification of acceptance for full-text manuscripts: 1 September 2016 Deadline for submitting final versions of full-text manuscripts: 1 October 2016 Publication of conference papers in Libellarium: December 2016 All proposals should follow formal LIDA guidelines available at LIDA 2016 website ( All work should be in English, original and not previously published. Submission of proposals/extended abstracts should be made using the EasyChair submission system ( Following the double blind review process all accepted submissions will be published in the scholarly journal Libellarium: Journal for the research of writing, books and cultural heritage institutions. Libellarium is indexed by EBSCO and Erich II and has applied for inclusion into Scopus. Conference contact information Conference co-directors: Martina Dragija Ivanovi?, Ph.D., Department of Library and Information Science University of Zadar, Croatia, mdragija at Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic, Ph.D., Department of Information Sciences University of Osijek, Croatia, sfaletar at Ross J. Todd, Ph.D., School of Communication and Information Rutgers University, USA, rtodd at Marie L. Radford, Ph.D., School of Communication and Information Rutgers University, USA, mradford at Program chairs: For Part I: Heather Lea Moulaison, Ph.D, The iSchool at the University of Missouri University of Missouri, USA, moulaisonhe at For Part II: Michael Seadle, Ph.D., Institute of Library and Information Science Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany, seadle at Zadar is one of the enchanting cities on the Adriatic coast, rich in history. It still preserves a very old network of narrow and charming city streets, as well as a Roman forum dating back to the first century AD. In addition, Zadar region encompasses many natural beauties covering two national parks nearby: Kornati Islands National Park and National Park Paklenica.? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Songphan.C at Mon Sep 21 09:50:19 2015 From: Songphan.C at (Songphan Choemprayong) Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 13:50:19 +0000 Subject: [Asia-pacific-chap-plan] Call for nominations: Asia-Pacific Chapter Officer 2015-2016 Message-ID: <> ?Greetings, The nominations for the following ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Chapter officer positions in 2015-2016 are now open: 1. Chair-elect 2. Chapter Assembly Representative 3. Alternative Assembly Representative 4. Treasurer and Secretary Please submit your nominations to Songphan Choemprayong at songphan.c at by Friday, October 9th. Self-nominations are welcomed. The list of current officers can be found from Please feel free to circulate this announcement as appropriate. We look forward to hearing from you. Regards, ?Songphan Choemprayong -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: